Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thermal and Acoustic Insulation : Vermiculite Concrete

Vermiculite Concrete : Insulation material
Vermiculite lightweight insulating concrete is highly suitable for building. A 5:1 – vermiculite to cement mixing ratio, it is light, insulating and, fire resistant with a great degree of sound absorption .

Comparing the insulating lightweight concrete produced by mixing vermiculite and cement, depending on how it is mixed, this concrete is around 80% to 90% less heavy in weight sense, per same volume, than a conventional heavy/hard concrete. One inch or 25.4mm of vermiculite insulation layer thickness will have the equal insulating property values as 508 millimeters – 20″ thick regular concrete layer has.

Lighter in weight is better” is the rule for insulating. 
As loose-fill insulation: Exfoliated vermiculite treated with a water repellent is used to fill the pores and cavities of masonry construction and hollow blockwork to enhance fire ratings (e.g. Underwriters Laboratories Wall and Partition designs), insulation and acoustic performance. Coarse grades of exfoliated vermiculite can be used to insulate lofts and attics. Exfoliated vermiculite has the benefit of being easy to use with application consisting of pouring the vermiculite between the joists and then leveling

It depends on the size and how they pop it; crushed volcanic mineral rock goes into kilns and in the heat they pop it just like a pop corn in the heat. The result is the mineral puff enlarges, expands into vermiculite in the heat and becomes that light.

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